Best Dishwasher for Indian Home | Dishwasher Experience | Is Dishwasher useful for Indian Utensils?
Dishwasher for Indian Home / Dishwasher for Indian Home / Dishwasher Experience / Is Dishwasher useful for Indian Utensils?
Is the Dishwasher really work for Indian Utensils? Is it useful for tea stains? Can I get its detergent easily? and many more questions appear in mind when we think about purchasing a Dishwasher a totally new equipment for Indian homes. We prefer maid or Bai for washing our utensils.
I was also very much confused, no one was having dishwasher in my family or friends from whom I can take review. When I confirmed from some of my overseas friends who were using dishwasher given me green signal and I dared to buy a Dishwasher :), taken the very starting model so if it didn’t work then I will not feel more frustrated. And my search for Dishwasher for Indian Home ends on Bosch/Siemens Dishwasher. (I wanted to go for Bosch actually but it was not available so I go for Siemens).
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So now I am using my Dishwasher since 2-3 years and I am here to sharing my experience and clear all your doubts about the dishwasher. Yes, it’s late I must share this review early but somehow because of busy life I am unable to get it posted, it was in my drafts since a year and today I decided to share it with the readers.
So here I am trying to answer all possible questions my friends ask me and I have before buying my DW. If you have any other questions than these please ask in comments and I will try to answer it. From my overall experience this is the best dishwasher for Indian home.
Answers for all questions related to Dishwasher
Which brand and which model I have?
I have Siemens DW SN24D200IN, I purchased it for 33,000 from CROMA.
Is it really clean Indian Utensils?
Yes, Dishwasher cleans the Indian Utensils very effectively. I am using it since last 3 years and very happy with its performance. It is more convenient and reliable than maid. Your DW will never take leave, disappear when you have guests over, ask for bonus on Diwali and pay rise after each year 🙂 it will work 3 times a day without complaining and give you same wash quality in all 3 washes.
Is it wash kadhai and tea pots?
Yes, my DW cleans stainless steel kadhai like new, for tea posts you need to clean it a bit before adding to DW, remove the leftover tea powder and just quick rinse it under tap and it will get clean in dishwasher.
Can it clean Masala stains.
It can easily clean all types of Masala, oil stains and greasy food residue. It has temperature from 45°C to 70°C depending on how dirty your dishes are. Select the appropriate temperature and enjoy clean dishes
How dishwasher works?
DW has 2 spray arms 1 for lower basket and 1 for upper basket. They sprinkles the water with pressure which removes all the stubborn Masala and oil stains with high water pressure and hot water.
Do we need to pre-rinse the dishes before putting in?
No, you don’t have to pre-rinse the dishes. You just need to clean off the leftovers from the dishes and load them in DW. More Dirty dishes in lower basket and Other in upper basket.
Which utensils I can wash in DW?
You can wash all Dishwasher safe Glass, Plastic Utensils. You can wash all stainless steel utensils. It is not recommended to wash iron, non-stick, copper and aluminium utensils. Before adding any glass or plastic make sure it’s DW safe. You will find it behind the utensil or on the box of it.
How much electricity it consume?
It is highly energy efficient and uses 1 kW of energy for each wash. I didn’t found much difference in my electricity bills.
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What if there’s a power failure?
DW is automatic and it continues from the point when power goes off and complete the wash.
Do I need any specific requirements to own a DW?
Yes, you need high water pressure, otherwise it will not work. You need running water, an overhead water tank will do.
Does it have any maintenance?
Yes, like any machine you need to clean your dishwasher time to time. I will write about how to clean and maintain your dishwasher shortly.
It needs any specific cleaners?
Yes, it need DW detergent which is available online on Amazon. It needs Dishwasher Salt (It softens the hard water), Rinse Aid (to shine dishes and remove water stains), Dishwasher Detergent (Cleans dishes). You can use either Finish or Fortune. Finish works best but Fortune is also works if you don’t have more hard water.
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Cleaners for Dishwasher
You will get finish combo of 3 (detergent, rinse aid and salt). Click on image to know the latest price on Amazon

We have borewell water, very hard so I use Finish power ball which contains salt, rinse aid and detergent, if you go for this you don’t need to buy rinse aid and slat as it contains everything. Click on image to know the latest price on Amazon

Here are few images –
DW with dirty dishes: before washing
Clean Dishes – after wash
Upper basket
Lower basket – Utensils
Hope I cleared all your questions. If you have any other questions, please ask in comments.